Sunday, August 30, 2009


The first podcast I listened to in SMARTBoard was Teachers Connecting 11: Year End Ideas by Ben Hazzord. I was shocked. I have heard the word podcast before and just assumed it was a video of some kind. Then when it came up I realized it was just a discussion with only sound. Wow! I am way behind in time! The music in the intro was a great idea. I just feel like it should have stopped once he started talking. Also, this discussion was between two people in two totally different areas; that was neat to me! The podcast sort of reminded me of a radio interview between a caller and the radio host, but when Joan fixed her audio the sound got a lot better. I also had a problem with the conversation being a little off subject, for example when they started to talk about the "Obama cookies." That is fine though I guess there needs to be a moment of opening up to get ready for discussion. Also, the random music sort of through me off focus a lot during the podcast.

The second podcast I listened to was KidCast 62: Some Thoughts On Video Podcasting. I am not one hundred percent familiar with exactly what the motive of a podcast is, but here he is talking about making video podcast. So far I have understood a podcast being just audio no visual guidance. If you turn a podcast into a video podcast would that not just be a new video? I expected more than one person talking. I honestly enjoyed the one on one conversation better than this personal speech from him. I sort of felt like I had stepped into a classroom during this podcast. I realize it is really hard to keep attention of others while you are only speaking ,and that is all the person is seeing or hearing is the computer screen and your voice. Although, I do agree with him when he mentioned the idea of kids being able to think more about the way they look or having to look into a camera rather than just speaking. Also, he explained that he does realize it's easier to keep the attention of the viewers with a video rather than just audio, and I do agree with that idea.

The third podcast I watched was MacBreak Weekly 155: When You're Ready to Compromise , Call Me. I honestly stayed lost during the time I listened to this podcast. Maybe if I had any idea what they were talking about I could have kept right up with the information they were sharing. I know they are very educated with apple technology. I am not. I do enjoy the one on one podcast a lot better than I do the single person speech.

The forth podcast I listened to was Teachers Teaching Teachers 161 - Summer Special: Submitting your own Docs, Templates, Japan, and Digital Storytelling. This podcast was under EdTechTalk. This podcast had multiple speakers having a conversation back and forth, and they stayed on topic better than the other three I listened to today. The intro was very brief and to the point. Then they went straight into the topics. Everything they talked about in this podcast is everything that we are going to be learning about in EDM 310 this semester. They explained teachers using the google docs and all of the options in google for the teachers to help track the students progress over the year. This was a very interesting podcast and mainly the best one I listened to , as far as keeping my focus.

Sunday, August 23, 2009


I am Amanda Reed. I have been at USA for a year now majoring in Elementary education. I am a very outgoing but shy girl. I love sports. I played softball from age six to eighteen. My sports ended the year after I graduated due to surgery. I love to take pictures. I have my camera with me everywhere I go! I am an only child , and I only have one grandfather left in my life. I love my family and friends.
I try my best to stay away from people with negative attitudes. I love to be around happy , nice, well-mannered people. I am terrified of asking questions in front of a lot of people. I am very insecure. Well maybe that's enough about me for now.

Did You Know 3.0 by Karl Fisch
This video was very interesting. I knew that technology was used on a daily basis by millions of people , but the stats on this video proved that I had underestimated the use of the internet. I learned that technology is a growing tool that will change our world within the next few years.
I was very shocked about how many users Myspace has in its network. Also, was interested in the stat about how much can change within three years in college. I then realized that about my time in college. The first year I started there were things I did , that now are so much easier through the computer.

Mr. Winkle Wakes by Matthew Needleman
Mr. Winkle Wakes is a great video that is so true. The entire world uses machines , computers , i pods, and more to learn. Whereas, in most school systems the teaches only use a chalkboard. There are some schools, or at least one I know of, that the teacher uses podcast to post the homework assignments.
I think that when more schools start using the many options of technology more kids will be more interested in learning. I took the story as while the world is progressing , the school system is staying the same as it has always been. I think that it should be the other way around. The schools she be using the best tools that is offered. The students would learn so much better with access to the world through technology.

Sir Ken Robinson: The Importance of Creativity
Sir Ken Robinson has a great sense of humor. I do agree that creativity is a very important aspect of our lives. Sir Robinson was right about creativity being educated out of the students as they get older. Once the students reach seventh grade arts are then an extra class that you can take if you want to. I think that it should be a requirement to have arts in school k-12. Art is an activity that keeps creativity alive. To do arts you have to be creative. Learning is so much easier when it is done through creative ideas.
I have never realized the importance of creativity until watching this video. He emphasizes the importance of keeping creativity in the classrooms and minds of students. I also liked how in the beginning of the video he mentioned that all kids have talent. I realize all kids have talent it is just letting the kids know they have talent and keeping the opportunity to learn more about their talent in school.

Vicki Davis: Harness Your Students' Digital Smart

This video was a great eye opener for me to actually see a classroom full of computers that is not a lab. The students were doing stuff I know nothing about. Also, the interaction between the students was amazing.
Mrs. Davis seemed like she is a caring teacher that wants her kids to learn. She seems very involved with web pages to help her students blog with other students all over the world. I believe if all classroom settings were changed to that set up there would be lower drop out rates and higher numbers in graduating classes.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Amanda Reed's Blog

Hi everyone!! I have just recently finished my page. I am welcoming everyone to my page!! I hope you enjoy!