Sunday, September 20, 2009

Randy Pausch

I listened to this video and only a few ideas caught my eye! He used several quotes that are some of my favorites. I also like the fact that he mentioned "fake learning." I like that idea. He explained it by teaching them what they want to learn with like a hidden lesson. Teach them what interest them , but they will also learn something else while doing something they enjoy. Also, one quote I like was " experience is what you get when you didn't get what you want." I have the quote on my Facebook. I like that idea. He has a very nice sense of humor. I liked that he explained his childhood goals. The NFL was a hilarious story. I was sort of lost on the point of this video. I felt like I got more of his life story. I like the video on "Zero Gravity." Very funny. Also, "loyalty is a two way street", that is a wonderful idea. He is really down to Earth and knows the philosophy of life for sure. I do not have a lot to write about , because I really did not learn anything from this video. I heard a lot about his life and funny stories of him trying to get into college. I really did not learn much at all from this video.

1 comment:

  1. "I really did not learn anything from this video." What? Are you serious?
